Give the gift of a brighter future

Give the gift of a brighter future

A regular gift to transform lives

Join our special community of regular supporters who, like you, are committed to giving Malawi’s vulnerable children a brighter future.

Challenges in Malawi are ongoing, so our work must be also. By making a regular donation you can help us extend our life-changing services to reach even more vulnerable babies and families who desperately need our help.

Setting up a monthly gift is easy to manage and means you can spread your donation throughout the year.  You’ll receive regular updates and stories on some of the children benefitting from your support, bringing you closer to our work in Malawi and the difference we are making together.

Your regular contribution can and will make a big difference!

For regular donations from outside of the UK, please email us on for our International Bank Account details.

If you have any questions, please contact us on or 01423 530129.

Thank you!

Children in a classroom smiling and waving

Your donation will help children in Malawi grow up healthy with the love of a family


Designed to be kind. Proud to support Open Arms Malawi.