Welcome to our latest blogs

Welcome to our latest blogs

Your source of information and updates from Malawi and our supporters around the world.

Latest News

From seeing how our children are developing, the amazing support we get from our fundraisers to understanding the ins and out of running Open Arms, we’ve got it covered here.

Annie Lennox Visits Open Arms Malawi

Annie Lennox Visits Open Arms Malawi

​In May 2011 Annie Lennox visited Malawi as a special envoy for the Scottish Parliament, and came to visit us at Open Arms!​

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Faye’s Malawi Mission

Faye’s Malawi Mission

​I will never forget my first day at the Infant Home, 20+ toddlers running toward me and wrapping themselves around my legs smiling up at me with their beautiful big eyes.​

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Six Babies in 6 Days

Six Babies in 6 Days

Last week Open Arms welcomed six new babies – in six days. Ranging in age from about one and a half to a few months old, we thought we would take a minute to introduce them to you.

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