Together with Open Arms Infant Homes (OAIH), we’re committed to doing the best for every child and we have challenged ourselves over the last two years as to what adult life looks like for those older children within the family homes.
Family homes
Since 2018 OAIH (which is a separate and independent NGO and our operating partner in Malawi) has been developing individual plans with each of the older children in their family houses.
These have been developed with input from each child, their family house mother, teachers and our own staff. Every child has to enter the adult world and in the long-term interests of each individual, we believe this is best done as part of an extended family. Therefore, OAIH has started to explore family links and reintegration opportunities.
The statement below is from OAIH and gives further information and some background to this work.
Your impact
We’re incredibly proud of the achievements of all of the children and staff in the family homes and fully support the strategy and approach of OAIH, which is in line with Malawi Government policy.
Together we remain committed to providing the best future for each individual so they can achieve a fulfilling and successful future. It is an exciting time as this new chapter takes shape and there are many milestones to look forward to.
Your support has been transformational for these children and ongoing sponsorship will give us the security to be able to plan ahead with them for a successful future within their home communities. If you would like to find out more about how you can help further with this next step, we would be delighted to share details with you.
We look forward to showing you the impact of this important step over the coming months and years. We will of course keep you up to date with any changes through our newsletter and website and we welcome any questions you may have.
Your donation will help children in Malawi grow up healthy with the love of a family