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Cameron shaves his head for Open Arms

When his sister came back from a church expedition to Malawi and Open Arms and told Cameron of her experience he was desperate to help. 

Cameron is 13. When his sister came back from a church expedition to Malawi and Open Arms and told Cameron of her experience he was desperate to help. The story of a young boy called Boyce struck a chord with Cameron and he decided that he would like to help him.

All of Cameron’s neighbours are involved and each month he raises enough money to send a monthly sponsorship for Boyce through a bin run. He has also sent Boyce’s family Christmas cards and gifts, and when they need that little bit extra, Cameron is on hand to help.

But that was not enough for Cameron – earlier this month, after he heard about the floods that devastated many parts of Malawi, he decided to take his fundraising to the next level and shave his hair for Charity. Cameron has always had long hair…

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“Having seen what was happening in Malawi and especially the real problems that Open Arms had due to the floods, I decided to have a sponsored haircut and charity night. I have rather long hair and take no end of teasing over it, all in good fun. Anyway lately I have been thinking about a haircut, a real haircut not just my usual wee trim, and using it as a fundraising opportunity. If your charity does not keep going then not only the orphans that you raise but also the many children that you have placed back with their extended family, will suffer”.

Cameron’s Mum, Tracey, promised Cameron that if he raised over £1,000 she would also shave her head……and guess what!……

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A family Quiz, Irish Bingo, Scavenger Hunt and sponsorship raised over £1,400, so Tracy, true to her word, shaved her head too!

We want to say a HUGE thank you to Cameron and Tracey for baring their heads to the Scottish elements all to raise money for Open Arms! We cannot thank Cameron enough for all that he does for not only Boyce, but the whole Open Arms community –His kindness does not stop there. His hair has been sent to little princesses, a charity that makes natural hair wigs for little girls who have lost their hair to illness or chemotherapy. Cameron’s efforts have helped children at home and in Malawi and we think that he is a star. 

Your donation will help children in Malawi grow up healthy with the love of a family


Designed to be kind. Proud to support Open Arms Malawi.