Sponsor a family caring for a vulnerable child

By sponsoring a family taking on the care of an orphaned or vulnerable baby, you will be strengthening the entire family unit with the support they need to remain together and plan for a brighter, independent future.

Family having a meal together outside

How does sponsorship help?

Most families in Malawi survive on less than £1 a day, making it incredibly difficult to take on the care of an orphaned or vulnerable baby.

Providing three years of full sponsorship will give a struggling family all the resources they need to raise a happy, healthy child at home, whilst empowering them to become independent so they can support themselves and their loved ones over the long term. 

Children holding tins of formula on their heads

What does this cost and where does my money go? 

It costs £1,500 per year (£125 per month) for three years to sponsor a family and 100% of this will fully cover the costs of the following:

Sponsorship impactA group of ladies planting banana suckers

What can I expect in return?

We will send you detailed updates with photos at least twice a year, so you can follow the family's progress and see the full impact of your wonderful support.

You will also have a direct contact at Open Arms in the UK should you have any queries, and regular invitations to connect with us to find out more. 

Most importantly, you will become part of a very special community that is enabling real change in Malawi and helping extremely vulnerable families stay together and thrive together. 

Provide a lifeline and sponsor a family today

To set up your sponsorship or find out more, please get in touch with our friendly team at any time. Thank you for your support!

Contact us

Your donation will help children in Malawi grow up healthy with the love of a family


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